Home » Octomarine Products » Chemicals » HydraSilAg+ Biofilm Removal Chemical, 35% or 50% strength

HydraSilAg+ Biofilm Removal Chemical, 35% or 50% strength

HydrasilAG+ for treatment and removal of biofilms and as a sterilisation chemical for potable water.

HydrasilAG+ is a powerful disinfectant, used for treatment and removal of biofilms and as a sterilization chemical for potable water.

It is extremely efficient for the treatment and prevention of legionella and bacterial infections.

  • Ecological responsible – Breaks down to oxygen and water
  • Efficiently removes biofilm from water distribution and storage systems
  • A more efficient, safer and less corrosive alternative to chlorine based products
  • A viable control method for the treatment and prevention of legionella and other human pathogens.
  • Also suitable for disinfection of distribution systems, potable water tanks, shower heads, water softeners and drinking water systems (remove any TFC membranes first)
  • Effective against legionella, other water borne bacteria, amoebozoa, fungi and algae
Octo Marine Code 50% strength 97001153
Octo Marine Code 35% strength 97012300
Manufacturer Octo Marine
Compatible Octo Marine
Sizes 10 Litres
Options Treatment system for constant sterilization
Product Uses Bacteria, Legionella